PIX News: Hypnosis for New Years Resolutions with Jeffrey Rose

In this video, hypnotherapist Jeffrey Rose discusses the power in hypnotherapy in helping one achieve personal goals and improve self discipline. If your new years resolution is to be more consistent with exercise, improve relationships or simply feel happier, hypnosis can help.

Arise TV 360: Hypnosis for Change with Jeffrey Rose

In this video, Jeffrey Rose is interviewed by Arise TV’s Entertainment 360. Jeffrey discusses how hypnotherapy is an incredible tool to help one achieve their goals and develop healthy lifestyle habits. These goals may include improving sleep, eating healthier, losing weight, overcoming phobias and feeling more confident.

“The Hypnosis Fix” for Smoking and Weight Loss

“The Hypnosis Fix” is featured on CBS News. In this video, hypnotherapist and nutritionist Jeffrey Rose talks with a client about his journey to lose weight and stop smoking using hypnosis. This is a medical news story that took place at New York’s Advanced Hypnosis Center.

Al Jazeera America: Quit Smoking with Jeffrey Rose

Hypnotherapist Jeffrey Rose is interviewed by Al Jazeera America regarding how hypnosis can be used to help one quit smoking. One of Jeffrey’s smoking cessation clients is also makes an appearance in this video.

Quit Smoking with Jeffrey Rose on The Tyra Banks Show

On the “Tyra Banks Show,” hypnotherapist Jeffrey helps guest Nicole to quit smoking.

Jeffrey Rose on “Fox and Friends”

On “Fox & Friends,” hypnotherapist Jeffrey Rose states that “the powerful state of hypnosis can be used to empower people to eat healthier, sleep better, exercise more, quit smoking and lose weight.”

Jeffrey Rose on Improving Sleep on the “Dr Steve Show”

On the “Dr. Steve Show, hypnotherapist and nutritionist Jeffrey Rose discusses how one can improve develop sleepy hygiene and optimize sleep.

“Kick the Butt” on CNN with Jeffrey Rose

Hypnotherapist Jeffrey Rose appears on CNN American Morning’s news segment, “Kick the Butt.” In this segment, Jeffrey discusses the effectiveness of hypnosis to help one quit cigarette smoking.