NYC Hypnosis Sessions

Located on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, serving New York City for 20+ years

NYC Hypnotherapy Programs for Insomnia

Do you often have trouble falling asleep and/or staying asleep. A poor sleeping habit can cause day time fatigue. Take control of your sleep with Advanced Hypnosis NYC Sessions. Our staff are experienced and can help you determine the root of your troubled sleep.

New York City Hypnosis Programs

“Unlock peaceful nights with NYC Hypnotherapy Programs for Insomnia.”

NYC Hypnotherapy Programs for Insomnia are specialized programs offered in New York City that aim to help individuals suffering from insomnia through the use of hypnotherapy techniques. These programs are designed to address the underlying causes of insomnia and provide effective strategies to promote better sleep patterns and overall well-being.

Exploring the Benefits of NYC Hypnotherapy Programs for Insomnia

Insomnia is a common sleep disorder that affects millions of people worldwide. It can be characterized by difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or both. The consequences of insomnia can be far-reaching, impacting not only a person’s physical health but also their mental and emotional well-being. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in alternative therapies for insomnia, including hypnotherapy. New York City, with its bustling lifestyle and high-stress levels, has seen a rise in the popularity of hypnotherapy programs for insomnia. In this article, we will explore the benefits of NYC hypnotherapy programs for insomnia and how they can help individuals achieve a good night’s sleep.

Hypnotherapy is a form of therapy that uses hypnosis to induce a state of deep relaxation and heightened focus. During a hypnotherapy session, a trained therapist guides the individual into a trance-like state, where they are more open to suggestion and can access their subconscious mind. This state of relaxation allows the individual to explore and address the underlying causes of their insomnia, such as stress, anxiety, or negative thought patterns.

One of the primary benefits of NYC hypnotherapy programs for insomnia is their ability to address the root causes of sleep disturbances. Unlike medications that may only provide temporary relief, hypnotherapy aims to identify and resolve the underlying issues that contribute to insomnia. By working with a skilled hypnotherapist, individuals can gain insight into their sleep patterns and develop strategies to promote better sleep hygiene.

Another advantage of NYC hypnotherapy programs for insomnia is their non-invasive nature. Unlike other treatments that may involve medication or invasive procedures, hypnotherapy is a safe and natural approach to sleep improvement. It does not have any known side effects and can be used in conjunction with other therapies or treatments.

Furthermore, hypnotherapy can help individuals develop coping mechanisms for managing stress and anxiety, which are often significant contributors to insomnia. By addressing these underlying issues, individuals can experience a reduction in their overall stress levels, leading to improved sleep quality.

In addition to addressing the root causes of insomnia, NYC hypnotherapy programs can also help individuals develop positive sleep habits and routines. Through guided imagery and suggestion, hypnotherapy can help individuals create a relaxing bedtime routine, establish a consistent sleep schedule, and create a sleep-friendly environment. These techniques can be particularly beneficial for individuals who struggle with maintaining healthy sleep habits.

Moreover, hypnotherapy can help individuals overcome negative thought patterns and beliefs about sleep. Many people with insomnia develop a fear or anxiety around sleep, which can perpetuate the cycle of sleeplessness. Hypnotherapy can help individuals reframe their thoughts and beliefs about sleep, promoting a more positive and relaxed mindset.

It is important to note that while NYC hypnotherapy programs for insomnia can be highly effective, they may not be suitable for everyone. It is essential to consult with a qualified hypnotherapist to determine if hypnotherapy is the right approach for your specific needs and circumstances.

In conclusion, NYC hypnotherapy programs for insomnia offer a natural and non-invasive approach to sleep improvement. By addressing the root causes of insomnia, developing positive sleep habits, and promoting relaxation, hypnotherapy can help individuals achieve a good night’s sleep. If you are struggling with insomnia and are looking for an alternative therapy, consider exploring the benefits of NYC hypnotherapy programs. Remember to consult with a qualified hypnotherapist to determine if hypnotherapy is the right fit for you.

How Hypnotherapy Can Help Treat Insomnia in NYC

Insomnia is a common sleep disorder that affects millions of people worldwide. It can be characterized by difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or both. The consequences of insomnia can be far-reaching, impacting not only a person’s physical health but also their mental and emotional well-being. Fortunately, there are various treatment options available, including hypnotherapy, which has shown promising results in helping individuals overcome insomnia. In New York City, there are several hypnotherapy programs specifically designed to address this sleep disorder.

Hypnotherapy is a therapeutic technique that uses hypnosis to induce a state of deep relaxation and heightened focus. During a hypnotherapy session, a trained hypnotherapist guides the individual into a trance-like state, where they are more open to suggestion and can access their subconscious mind. This altered state of consciousness allows the hypnotherapist to address the underlying causes of insomnia and help the individual develop healthier sleep patterns.

One of the primary benefits of hypnotherapy for insomnia is its ability to address the root causes of the sleep disorder. Unlike medications that may only provide temporary relief, hypnotherapy aims to identify and resolve the underlying issues that contribute to insomnia. These issues can range from stress and anxiety to negative thought patterns and behavioral habits that disrupt sleep. By addressing these root causes, hypnotherapy can provide long-term solutions for individuals struggling with insomnia.

In New York City, there are numerous hypnotherapy programs that specialize in treating insomnia. These programs are led by experienced and certified hypnotherapists who have undergone extensive training in the field. They have a deep understanding of the complexities of insomnia and employ various techniques to help their clients achieve restful sleep.

One common approach used in NYC hypnotherapy programs for insomnia is cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). CBT focuses on changing negative thought patterns and behaviors that contribute to insomnia. Through hypnosis, individuals can gain insight into their thoughts and behaviors surrounding sleep and learn to replace them with more positive and conducive ones. This can help break the cycle of insomnia and promote healthier sleep habits.

Another technique utilized in hypnotherapy programs for insomnia is relaxation training. Many individuals with insomnia struggle with relaxation and find it difficult to unwind before bed. Hypnotherapy can help individuals learn relaxation techniques that promote a calm and peaceful state of mind, making it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night.

In addition to addressing the underlying causes of insomnia, hypnotherapy can also help individuals manage the symptoms of insomnia. For example, hypnosis can be used to reduce anxiety and stress, which are common triggers for insomnia. By promoting relaxation and reducing stress levels, hypnotherapy can create a more conducive environment for sleep.

In conclusion, hypnotherapy is a valuable treatment option for individuals struggling with insomnia in New York City. With its ability to address the root causes of the sleep disorder and provide long-term solutions, hypnotherapy offers hope for those seeking relief from their insomnia. Whether through cognitive-behavioral therapy or relaxation training, hypnotherapy programs in NYC can help individuals develop healthier sleep patterns and achieve restful sleep. If you are suffering from insomnia, consider exploring the benefits of hypnotherapy and consult with a certified hypnotherapist to determine the best course of treatment for your specific needs.

NYC Hypnotherapist Jeffrey Rose: Expert in Hypnosis for Insomnia

New York City is known for its fast-paced lifestyle, bustling streets, and sleepless nights. With so much happening in the city that never sleeps, it’s no wonder that many New Yorkers suffer from insomnia. Lack of sleep can have a significant impact on one’s overall well-being, affecting both physical and mental health. Fortunately, there are effective solutions available, such as hypnotherapy programs specifically designed to address insomnia. One of the leading experts in this field is NYC hypnotherapist Jeffrey Rose.

Jeffrey Rose is a highly regarded hypnotherapist based in New York City, specializing in helping individuals overcome insomnia through the power of hypnosis. With years of experience and a deep understanding of the complexities of sleep disorders, Rose has developed a reputation for his expertise in this area. His unique approach combines traditional hypnotherapy techniques with modern advancements in the field, resulting in highly effective programs that have helped countless individuals achieve restful sleep.

One of the key aspects of Rose’s hypnotherapy programs is the focus on identifying and addressing the underlying causes of insomnia. Unlike traditional treatments that often only provide temporary relief, Rose’s approach aims to get to the root of the problem. By delving into the subconscious mind, he helps his clients uncover any unresolved issues or psychological barriers that may be contributing to their sleep difficulties. This holistic approach ensures that the effects of the therapy are long-lasting and sustainable.

Another notable feature of Rose’s programs is the personalized nature of his sessions. Recognizing that each individual is unique, he tailors his hypnotherapy sessions to meet the specific needs and goals of his clients. Through a thorough assessment and consultation process, Rose gains a comprehensive understanding of his clients’ sleep patterns, lifestyle, and any underlying conditions. This allows him to create a customized program that addresses their specific challenges and maximizes the chances of success.

During the hypnotherapy sessions, Rose guides his clients into a deep state of relaxation, where their subconscious mind becomes more receptive to positive suggestions and affirmations. Through carefully crafted scripts and techniques, he helps them reframe their thoughts and beliefs about sleep, replacing negative associations with positive ones. This process not only promotes relaxation but also helps to reprogram the mind for restful sleep. Clients often report feeling more calm, centered, and in control of their sleep patterns after undergoing Rose’s hypnotherapy programs.

In addition to his expertise in hypnosis for insomnia, Rose also provides valuable tools and techniques that clients can use outside of the therapy sessions. These include relaxation exercises, self-hypnosis techniques, and lifestyle recommendations that promote healthy sleep habits. By empowering his clients with these resources, Rose ensures that they have the necessary tools to maintain their progress and continue enjoying restful sleep long after the therapy has ended.

If you’re struggling with insomnia and are looking for a natural and effective solution, consider exploring the hypnotherapy programs offered by NYC hypnotherapist Jeffrey Rose. With his expertise, personalized approach, and commitment to long-term results, Rose has helped countless individuals in New York City and beyond overcome their sleep difficulties and achieve a better quality of life. Don’t let insomnia hold you back any longer – take the first step towards restful sleep today.

Overcoming Insomnia with NYC Hypnotherapy Programs

Overcoming Insomnia with NYC Hypnotherapy Programs

Insomnia, the inability to fall asleep or stay asleep, affects millions of people worldwide. It can have a significant impact on one’s quality of life, leading to fatigue, irritability, and difficulty concentrating. While there are various treatment options available, one alternative approach gaining popularity is hypnotherapy. In New York City, there are several hypnotherapy programs specifically designed to help individuals overcome insomnia and achieve restful sleep.

Hypnotherapy is a therapeutic technique that uses hypnosis to induce a state of deep relaxation and heightened focus. During a hypnotherapy session, a trained therapist guides the individual into a trance-like state, where they are more open to suggestion and can access their subconscious mind. By addressing the underlying causes of insomnia at this subconscious level, hypnotherapy aims to reprogram negative thought patterns and promote better sleep.

One of the key benefits of hypnotherapy for insomnia is its ability to address the root causes of sleep disturbances. Unlike medications that may only provide temporary relief, hypnotherapy aims to identify and resolve the underlying issues that contribute to insomnia. These issues can range from stress and anxiety to trauma or unresolved emotions. By working with a skilled hypnotherapist, individuals can gain insight into these underlying causes and develop strategies to overcome them.

NYC is home to several reputable hypnotherapy programs that specialize in treating insomnia. These programs typically begin with an initial consultation, where the hypnotherapist assesses the individual’s sleep patterns, lifestyle, and any underlying issues. Based on this assessment, a personalized treatment plan is developed, which may include a combination of hypnosis sessions, relaxation techniques, and self-hypnosis exercises.

During a hypnotherapy session, the individual is guided into a relaxed state, often through deep breathing exercises and visualization techniques. The hypnotherapist then uses carefully crafted suggestions to address the specific issues contributing to insomnia. These suggestions may focus on promoting relaxation, reducing anxiety, or improving sleep hygiene. Over time, these suggestions help rewire the individual’s subconscious mind, making it easier for them to fall asleep and stay asleep naturally.

In addition to the in-person sessions, many NYC hypnotherapy programs also provide individuals with tools and techniques to practice at home. These may include audio recordings of guided hypnosis sessions or self-hypnosis exercises that individuals can use to reinforce the positive suggestions received during their sessions. By incorporating these practices into their daily routine, individuals can further enhance the effectiveness of their hypnotherapy treatment.

It is important to note that hypnotherapy is not a quick fix for insomnia. Like any therapeutic approach, it requires time, commitment, and active participation from the individual. While some individuals may experience significant improvements after just a few sessions, others may require more extensive treatment. The duration of treatment varies depending on the severity of the insomnia and the individual’s response to hypnotherapy.

In conclusion, NYC hypnotherapy programs offer a promising alternative for individuals struggling with insomnia. By addressing the root causes of sleep disturbances at a subconscious level, hypnotherapy aims to reprogram negative thought patterns and promote restful sleep. With personalized treatment plans and the incorporation of self-hypnosis techniques, individuals can take an active role in overcoming their insomnia and achieving a better quality of life. If you are tired of sleepless nights, it may be worth exploring the benefits of hypnotherapy for insomnia.

Understanding the Effectiveness of Hypnotherapy for Insomnia in NYC

Insomnia is a common sleep disorder that affects millions of people worldwide. It can be characterized by difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or both. The consequences of insomnia can be far-reaching, impacting not only one’s physical health but also their mental and emotional well-being. In recent years, hypnotherapy has emerged as a potential solution for those struggling with insomnia. In New York City, there are several hypnotherapy programs specifically designed to address this issue.

Hypnotherapy is a form of therapy that utilizes hypnosis to induce a state of deep relaxation and heightened suggestibility. During a hypnotherapy session, a trained therapist guides the individual into a trance-like state, where they are more receptive to positive suggestions and imagery. This altered state of consciousness allows the therapist to work with the individual’s subconscious mind, addressing the underlying causes of their insomnia.

One of the key benefits of hypnotherapy for insomnia is its ability to address both the physical and psychological aspects of the disorder. While medications may provide temporary relief, they often fail to address the root causes of insomnia. Hypnotherapy, on the other hand, aims to identify and address the underlying issues that may be contributing to sleep disturbances. This holistic approach can lead to long-term improvements in sleep quality and duration.

In NYC, there are various hypnotherapy programs that specialize in treating insomnia. These programs typically involve a series of sessions, during which the therapist works closely with the individual to identify their specific sleep challenges and develop personalized strategies for improvement. The sessions may include techniques such as guided imagery, relaxation exercises, and cognitive restructuring.

One of the reasons why hypnotherapy has gained popularity as a treatment for insomnia is its non-invasive nature. Unlike medications or other medical interventions, hypnotherapy does not involve any physical interventions or side effects. This makes it a safe and appealing option for those who prefer natural approaches to managing their sleep difficulties.

Furthermore, hypnotherapy can be particularly beneficial for individuals who have tried other treatments without success. It offers a unique approach that targets the subconscious mind, which may hold deep-seated beliefs or fears that contribute to insomnia. By addressing these underlying issues, hypnotherapy can help individuals break free from the cycle of sleeplessness and establish healthier sleep patterns.

It is important to note that while hypnotherapy has shown promising results in treating insomnia, it may not be suitable for everyone. Individuals with certain mental health conditions or those who are highly resistant to suggestion may not respond as effectively to hypnotherapy. It is always advisable to consult with a qualified hypnotherapist or healthcare professional to determine if hypnotherapy is a suitable option for addressing one’s insomnia.

In conclusion, hypnotherapy has emerged as a potential solution for those struggling with insomnia in NYC. Its ability to address both the physical and psychological aspects of the disorder makes it a holistic and appealing treatment option. With various hypnotherapy programs available in the city, individuals can explore this non-invasive and natural approach to improve their sleep quality and overall well-being. However, it is important to seek professional guidance to determine if hypnotherapy is the right fit for one’s specific needs and circumstances.


1. What are NYC hypnotherapy programs for insomnia?
NYC hypnotherapy programs for insomnia are specialized treatment programs that use hypnosis techniques to help individuals overcome sleep disorders and improve their quality of sleep.

2. How do NYC hypnotherapy programs for insomnia work?
These programs typically involve sessions with a trained hypnotherapist who guides individuals into a relaxed state and uses various techniques to address the underlying causes of insomnia. This may include suggestions for better sleep patterns, stress reduction, and relaxation techniques.

3. Are NYC hypnotherapy programs effective for treating insomnia?
While individual results may vary, many people have found NYC hypnotherapy programs to be effective in managing insomnia. Hypnosis can help individuals relax, reduce anxiety, and reprogram negative thought patterns that contribute to sleep difficulties.

4. How long do NYC hypnotherapy programs for insomnia usually last?
The duration of NYC hypnotherapy programs for insomnia can vary depending on the individual’s needs and the severity of their sleep disorder. Some programs may consist of a few sessions, while others may require more extensive treatment over several weeks or months.

5. Where can one find NYC hypnotherapy programs for insomnia?
There are various hypnotherapy clinics and practitioners in New York City that offer specialized programs for insomnia. These can be found through online directories, recommendations from healthcare professionals, or by conducting a search specifically for NYC hypnotherapy programs for insomnia.In conclusion, NYC offers various hypnotherapy programs for insomnia. These programs aim to help individuals struggling with sleep disorders by utilizing hypnosis techniques to promote relaxation, reduce anxiety, and improve sleep quality. These programs are designed to address the underlying causes of insomnia and provide individuals with effective tools to manage and overcome their sleep difficulties. With the availability of these programs, individuals in NYC have access to alternative and holistic approaches to treat insomnia and improve their overall well-being.

NYC Hypnotherapist Jeffrey Rose with Wellness Expert Dr. Andrew Weil

Advanced Hypnosis Center NYC

Our outstanding New York City hypnotists are here to help you reach your goals in 2 to 3 hypnotherapy sessions. The clinical hypnotists at New York City’s Advanced Hypnosis Center have decades of experience in hypnosis and helping people improve their lives. Providing hypnotherapy on the Upper West Side of Manhattan we can help you with your life challenges and help you set upon a new, more satisfying and fulfilling path in life.

Our New York hypnotists are certified and trained by the International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association, the International Association of Counselors and Therapists and or the National Guild of Hypnotists. When you come to your hypnotherapy session, your visit will be relaxing and professional from the first moment you step into our Manhattan hypnosis center on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, NY.

Regardless of how busy your personal schedule may be, we are able to work around client schedules, offering a variety of opportunities for hypnotherapy including evenings and weekends. You should know we are happy to make a House Call hypnosis sessions should you prefer to have the session conducted in the privacy of your own home.

 NYC Hypnosis Programs

At Advanced Hypnosis Center of NYC we take a holistic approach, because we believe that body and mind is a unity that cannot be broken up into parts. With the expert advice of our NYC hypnotherapist, nutritionist, addiction recovery coach and sleep specialist, we are able to help you create the permanent positive changes you desire on all levels and in all areas of your life very effectively and naturally.


Book your nyc hypnosis session
Monday – Friday 8:00 – 17:00
Saturday 9:30 – 17:00
Sunday 9:30 – 15:00


110 W 96th St #2b, New York, NY 10025

Most Popular Advanced Hypnosis NYC Programs

Listed below are only the most common challenges the staff at the Advanced Hypnosis Center are called on to resolve for our clients. You should know that these only represent a small number of all the programs we have available in order to deal with the many challenges we have seen in our practice.

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Advanced Hypnosis NYC’s Comforting Staff

When you come to your hypnotherapy session, your visit will be relaxing and professional from the first moment you step into our Manhattan hypnosis center on the Upper East Side or our Rockland County, NY hypnosis center in New City, NY. In addition, you will have the opportunity to choose whether you are more comfortable seeing a male or female hypnotherapist.

Jeffrey Rose, CMH, Nutritionist
Dr. Ricartty Trinidad, MD, CHT
Elena Mosaner, CHT


Jeffrey Rose has been featured in many New York and national news segments on health and the benefits of hypnosis, here are just a few. visit our media page to see all our videos.

Hypnosis Sessions

Advanced Hypnosis Center of NYC can help you make positive changes in your life as in as few as just 2 or 3 sessions.


Nutrition Counseling

Nutrition is a key part to living a healthy and long life. Learn how to enjoy eating healthy and living healthy with our Nutritional Counselor.


Life Coaching

If you are looking to make long term changes then a Life Coach can work with you on a continual basis to reach your goals and improve your life.


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Contact the Advanced Hypnosis Center of NYC today to schedule your hypnosis or counseling session. Once we receive your email we will send to you our confidential questionnaires for you to get started.