Jeffrey Rose and His Family Appear on New City Neighbors
NEW CITY NEIGHBORS Jan 2017 The Roses: Using Speech to Inspire. Jeffrey and Laura in different ways have spent years honing their talents as personal development speakers inspiring others to make positive changes. Jeffrey relays, “As a kid, both my parents smoked. I remember coughing and being sad that they did this. I’m sure this was a catalyst for my career. For over 20 years I’ve been helping people remove their unwanted habits and incorporate healthier ones. ” Jeffrey, at his Manhattan Advanced Hypnosis Center on 5th Avenue, and in New City uses hypnosis to help clients quit smoking, lose weight, eliminate unwanted habits, initiate and maintain addiction recovery, and to sleep better. (Hypnosis is a state of mind where a person is highly responsive to suggestion or direction.) Jeffrey’s notoriety as a hypnotist and as a health guru has him frequently appearing on CNN, CBS, FOX, WPIX, and NPR including guest appearances on talk shows as an expert in behavior modification and sleep hygiene.
For New City, Jeffrey utilizes his speaking voice to impact challenges in regards to environmental and children’s health. He is the Rockland chapter leader of Start School Later a national movement to honor the sleep requirements of teens. Also to assist local teenagers and their parents, last year Jeffrey trained with the RCADD (Rockland Council on Alcoholism & Other Drug Dependence) to become a recovery coach. Jeffrey was a past Rockland Chapter co-leader of Weston A. Price Foundation (an organization dedicated to restoring nutrient dense foods to the American diet through education, research and activism).