NY Hypnotist Jeffrey Rose With Dr. Daniel Amen
Here I am meeting with Dr. Daniel Amen, a prominent psychiatrist who is considered one of the world’s top experts on how to create and maintain brain health. He is the founder of the Amen Clinics. Dr. Amen has authored several important books in the field of promoting brain health, including: Change Your Brain, Change Your Life, and Magnificent Mind At Any Age In addition to his writings, he has written, produced and hosted popular shows on how the brain works and ways to promote better brain health. Like Jeffrey, he believes that your dietary choices play a key role in your mental and physical health.
Here I am meeting with Dr. Daniel Amen, a prominent psychiatrist who is considered one of the world’s top experts on how to create and maintain brain health. He is the founder of the Amen Clinics. Those of you who follow sports medicine may be familiar with his work in that area. He is the lead researcher on the world’s largest brain imaging and rehabilitation study on professional football players. His studies have shown high levels of brain damage, but just as important, his work has produced significant ways to mitigate that damage going forward.
Dr. Amen has authored several important books in the field of promoting brain health, including: Change Your Brain, Change Your Life, Magnificent Mind At Any Age, Change Your Brain, Change Your Body, and The Amen Solution. In addition to his writings, he has written, produced and hosted popular shows on how the brain works and ways to promote better brain health.
He has often lectured as one of the leading experts on dealing with ADD and has authored the book: Healing ADD. Like Jeffrey, he believes that your dietary choices play a key role in your mental and physical health. and that an informed choice of supplements can play an important role in promoting the health of the brain.

NY Hypnotist Jeffrey Rose With Casey Means

NY Hypnotist Jeffrey Rose With Dalai Lama
Here I am meeting with the Dalai Lama. The Dalai Lama is the spiritual leader of the Tibetan people and is working to preserve the Buddhist Tradition, which is one of peace and nonviolence. He is admired for his role in promoting basic human values and ethics on Earth with the goal of alleviating human suffering and creating happiness.
Here I am meeting with the Dalai Lama. The Dalai Lama is the spiritual leader of the Tibetan people and is working to preserve the Buddhist Tradition, which is one of peace and nonviolence. He is admired for his role in promoting basic human values and ethics on Earth with the goal of alleviating human suffering and creating happiness.
Whether you adhere to the principles of his Lamaist Buddhist tradition, I think something very important can be learned from him. If we approach life from a center of equanimity, rather than being overrun and tossed about by life’s challenges, we will be better able to remain resilient and resourceful, and overcome life’s challenges and move further along a more fulfilling and happier path in life.
Through hypnosis we can create genuine self-esteem and self-confidence, and generate resilience and resourcefulness so that we are no longer just reacting to what life throws our way, but remain centered and can choose the life we want for ourselves in the face of any challenge.
Interestingly, Dr. Daniel Brown who has taught hypnotherapy for 38 years and whose books on hypnosis include a standard textbook on clinical hypnosis, Hypnotherapy and Hypnoanalysis (with E. Fromm), Hypnosis and Behavioral Medicine (with E. Fromm), and Creative Mastery in Hypnosis and Hypnoanalysis, wrote two books in collaboration with the Dalai Lama.

NY Hypnotist Jeffrey Rose With Dr. James Gordon
At the 2016 Integrative Healthcare Symposium, I had the pleasure of interviewing Dr. James Gordon, Harvard educated psychiatrist for the my cable show “Holistic Healing.” Dr. Gordon is a world-renowned expert on using mind-body medicine to heal and promote healthy. He created ground-breaking programs of comprehensive mind-body healing for physicians, medical students, and health professionals. Dr. Gordon is the author of Unstuck: Your Guide to the Seven Stage Journey Out of Depression; he founded and directs The Center for Mind-Body Medicine.
At the 2016 Integrative Healthcare Symposium, I had the pleasure of interviewing Dr. James Gordon, Harvard educated psychiatrist for the my cable show “Holistic Healing.”, Dr. Gordon is a world-renowned expert on using mind-body medicine to heal and promote healthy. He created ground-breaking programs of comprehensive mind-body healing for physicians, medical students, and health professionals.
Dr. Gordon is the author of Unstuck: Your Guide to the Seven Stage Journey Out of Depression; he founded and directs The Center for Mind-Body Medicine. Dr. Gordon I share the concept that self-care should be the true primary-care, and that patients should have information and techniques to keep themselves healthy, which is provide in my holistic practice at the Advanced Hypnosis Center. Like myself, Dr. Gordon recognizes the importance, of not only making people well when they are ill, but also educating each person so that they have the information to live a healthier life. He says” “I believe we need to change our fundamental orientation from a too narrow focus on end stage disease management, to keeping people healthy, whole and well.
We need to change the distribution of resources from overwhelming emphasis on acute care at the end of the line to teaching people how to stay well. We need to begin with health care education in the schools, as early as possible.” Dr. Gordon’s method integrates relaxation therapies, hypnosis and meditation, nutrition and herbalism, acupuncture, and dance, yoga and physical exercise in his psychiatry practice.

NY Hypnotist Jeffrey Rose With Marilu Henner
I always wanted to meet Marilu Henner to discuss the extraordinary ability she has to remember her life. Because she has hyperthymesia, she can remember the specific details of her everyday life since she was a small child. This shows the incredible potential that lies within the human mind. Often these as yet unrealized potentials, whatever they may be, can be accessed through hypnosis and hypnotherapy.
I always wanted to meet Marilu Henner to discuss the extraordinary ability she has to remember her life. Of course, she is most famous for her role in the situation comedy Taxi. But the most fascinating thing for me was that Marilu Henner has hyperthymesia and can remember the specific details of her everyday life since she was a small child. This shows the incredible potential that lies within the human mind. Often these as yet unrealized potentials, whatever they may be, can be accessed through hypnosis and hypnotherapy.
In addition, she shares my interest in helping people lead a healthy lifestyle. Both of her parents died in their 50s, which prompted her to begin her personal search for better health. Marilu wanted to share this with others in several books, the most important one being Total Health Makeover. Though I personally don’t adhere to all the principles she proposes, they contain some valuable material towards pursuing a healthier life.

NY Hypnotist Jeffrey Rose With Dr. Mark Hyman
I was delighted to meet Dr. Mark Hyman, who has, through his work, contributed to my own holistic approach. Dr. Hyman, believes that we all deserve a healthy fulfilling life, and that we all have the potential to create it with informed choices. He is dedicated to tackling the root causes of chronic disease by harnessing the power of Functional Medicine to transform our healthcare system. He and his team empower their patients to heal their bodies and minds, and to lead a healthier life. His strong belief in the importance of changing one’s lifestyle to create a healthy and fulfilling life coincides with my personal goals for my own clients. His latest book, The UltraMind Solution, emphasizes the importance of reducing stress, and this is exactly where hypnosis and hypnotherapy are so effective.
I was delighted to meet Dr. Mark Hyman, who has, through his work, contributed to my own holistic approach. Dr. Hyman, believes that we all deserve a healthy fulfilling life, and that we all have the potential to create it with informed choices. He is dedicated to tackling the root causes of chronic disease by harnessing the power of Functional Medicine to transform our healthcare system. Dr. Mark Hyman and his team empower their patients to heal their bodies and minds, and to lead a healthier life.
Dr. Mark Hyman is a practicing family physician, a ten-time number one NY Times bestselling author, and is internationally known as an advocate, like myself, of just not dealing with disease, but taking positive steps toward actively promoting better health. He is also the founder and medical director of The UltraWellness Center, chairman of the board of the Institute for Functional Medicine. Like myself, he helps individuals and organizations to improve their health and wellness. In addition, he is an advisor and guest co-host on The Dr. Oz Show and is on the board of Dr. Mehmet Oz’s HealthCorps, which tackles the obesity epidemic by educating American students on nutrition.
His firm belief in the importance of changing one’s lifestyle to create a healthy and fulfilling life coincides with my personal goals for all my clients. His latest book, The UltraMind Solution, emphasizes the importance of reducing stress, and this is exactly where hypnotherapy and hypnosis are extremely effective.

NY Hypnotist Jeffrey Rose With David Katz
David Katz is board certified in internal medicine, as well as, most importantly for me, preventative medicine. He is the President and Founder of Turn The Tide Foundation, which empowers people to achieve a healthier weight and better health. Dr. Katz is devoted to seeing that obesity isn’t a factor promoting chronic disease. Both he and I share the passion to help people to lead healthier lives. His emphasis on the importance of proper nutrition coincides with one of the major areas I stress in my holistic practice.
I was pleased to meet Dr. David NYC hypnotherapist and Nutritionist Jeffrey Rose with Dr. David KatzKatz and interview him at the Integrative Healthcare Symposium in 2017. He, like myself, believes that nutrition and lifestyle play a fundamental role in creating and maintaining ones health. Lifestyle practices are an integral part of my practice at the Advanced Hypnosis Center. Regardless of the challenge clients come to my clinic for, they also receive valuable guidance and knowledge to begin a new path towards improved overall health and a more fulfilling life.
Dr. Katz has asserted that lifestyle improvement throughout the world can result in an 80% reduction, in heart disease, a 90% reduction in diabetes and a 60% reduction in cancer! Chronic disease is not inevitable and those who come to the Advanced Hypnosis Center will be given all the tools and motivation necessary to significantly reduce their chance of chronic disease in their life. Both he and I share the passion to help people to lead healthier more fulfilling lives. His emphasis on the importance of proper nutrition coincides with one of the major areas I also stress in my holistic practice.

NY Hypnotist Jeffrey Rose With Richard Louv
I was very excited to meet Richard Louv at the Children in Nature New York Conference on May 2nd, 2009. His book Last Child In The Woods gives voice to something I have always felt intuitively, the importance of being in nature for the health and vitality of our children. He stresses the importance of children being outside, experiencing nature, with his book’s subtitle: Saving Our Children From Nature-Deficit Disorder.
I was very excited to meet Richard Louv at the Children in Nature New York Conference on May 2nd, 2009. His book Last Child In The Woods gives voice to something I have always felt intuitively, the importance of being in nature for the health and vitality of our children. He stresses the importance of children being outside, experiencing nature, with his book’s subtitle: Saving Our Children From Nature-Deficit Disorder. I could not agree with him more and make it a point to see that my two young daughters play outside, and go for walks in nature with my wife and I, whenever the chance occurs.
He asserts that research has shown an increase in attention disorders, obesity, a dampening of creativity and increased depression as problems associated with a nature-deficient childhood. I personally believe it can contribute to these childhood problems, but along with other influencing factors as well. Thanks to him there is now a growing international movement to see that children get to be out in, and experience nature much more often.
Richard was quite intrigued when I told him that I typically use nature metaphors in my hypnotic inductions and guided visualizations of natural scenes while conducting my hypnosis sessions.
He was an adviser for the National Scientific Council on the Developing Child and is currently honorary co-chair of The National Forum on Children and Nature, and is chairman and co-founder of the Children & Nature Network. In recognition for his work, the National Audubon Society awarded Louv its highest honor, the Audubon Medal.

NY Hypnotist Jeffrey Rose With Paul McKenna
Here I meet with Paul McKenna, at the United Nation’s International Day of Happiness on March 20th, 2016, moments before he demonstrated his Havening technique helping a patient move from upset/depression to a calm blissful state in minutes using this great breakthrough in modern psychology. Paul McKenna is considered to be the number one hypnotherapist in the world, renowned for helping people treat their most difficult problems through hypnotherapy.
Here I meet with Paul McKenna, at the United Nation’s International Day of Happiness on March 20th, 2016, moments before he demonstrated his Havening technique helping a patient move from upset/depression to a calm blissful state in minutes using this great breakthrough in modern psychology. Paul McKenna is considered to be the number one hypnotherapist in the world, renowned for helping people treat the most difficult problems. Recognized by The Times of London as one of “the world’s most important modern self help gurus,” Paul McKenna is the UK’s most successful non-fiction author. His I Can Make You THIN is the best-selling self-help book in UK history and his other successful titles include Quit Smoking Today Without Gaining Weight, and most recently, I Can Make You Happy, which reached number number one in the UK.

NY Hypnotist Jeffrey Rose With Calley Means
Calley Means describes his experiences as a consultant on behalf of the food and pharmaceutical industries as his inspiration to fight against conflicts of interest within health regulatory bodies. Calley and Casey Means co-authored the 2024 book Good Energy: The Surprising Connection Between Metabolism and Limitless Health.

NY Hypnotist Jeffrey Rose With Marion Nestle
Here I am at New York Times FOOD FOR TOMORROW Conference at Stone Barns Center for Food and Agriculture, discussing with Marion Nestle the influence that the food industry has on the poor nutritional choices people make. Marion Nestle is the Paulette Goddard Professor in the Department of Nutrition,Food Studies, and Public Health at New York University, which she chaired from 1988 to 2003. And she is also Professor of Sociology at NYU and visiting Professor of Nutritional Sciences at Cornell University. Her research examines scientific and socioeconomic influences on food choice, obesity and food safety, emphasizing the role of food marketing. Her book Food Politics: How the Food Industry Influences Nutrition and Health is instrumental in understanding how the food industry hurts our nations health.
Here I am at New York Times FOOD FOR TOMORROW Conference at Stone Barns Center for Food and Agriculture, discussing with Marion Nestle the influence that the food industry has on the poor nutritional choices people make. Marion Nestle is the Paulette Goddard Professor in the Department of Nutrition,Food Studies, and Public Health at New York University, which she chaired from 1988 to 2003. And she is also Professor of Sociology at NYU and visiting Professor of Nutritional Sciences at Cornell University.
Her research examines scientific and socioeconomic influences on food choice, obesity and food safety, emphasizing the role of food marketing. Her book Food Politics: How the Food Industry Influences Nutrition and Health is instrumental in understanding the negative role the food industry, in trying to increase their profits at any cost, has had in undermining the health of many Americans.
She is the author of numerous articles in professional publications, and is the author or co-author of nine books. Her latest book is Soda Politics: Taking on Big Soda (and Winning), which was published October 1, 2015. Marion Nestle has appeared in the documentary films, Super Size Me (2004), Food, Inc. (2008), Food Fight: The Inside Story of the Food Industry, (2008), Killer at Large (2008), In Organic We Trust (2012), and Fed Up (2014).
We both agree that with better education of the general public, to enable them to make the healthier choice in the market, pressure can be brought to bear on food companies to provide much healthier products. We see how this has already began to work as companies offer products with less added sugar, and a major mainstream food company has just began to offer organic products. One of the principles of my integral practice is to educate my clients so that they can make better nutritional choices so that they will live a healthier, more resourceful life, and be able to realize their full potential as an individual.

NY Hypnotist Jeffrey Rose With Gary Null
Here I meet Gary Null, a well known contributor to the world of alternative health. He is the author of more than 70 books on health and has made over a hundred documentary films on health, self-empowerment and improving the environment. He is the host of The Gary Null Show, a nationally syndicated health radio talk show which can be heard daily. Gary has made many radio and television broadcasts based on his life as a consumer advocate, an environmentalist and nutritionist. Gary Null is an advocate for hypnosis and hypnotherapy and covers these modalities in his book “Encyclopedia of Natural Healing.”
Here I meet Gary Null, a well known contributor to the world of alternative health. He is the author of more than 70 books on health and has made over a hundred documentary films on health, self-empowerment and improving the environment.
He is the host of The Gary Null Show, a nationally syndicated health radio talk show which can be heard daily on Progressive Radio Network. Gary has made many radio and television broadcasts based on his life as a consumer advocate, an environmentalist and nutritionist. He has had more than 20 television specials on national PBS stations. In addition, his investigative material on health issues has been used on both 20/20 and 60 minute television programs.
He has participated in the anti-GMO movement, and his 2012 documentary film Seeds of Death: Unveiling the Lies of GMOs, has helped fight the further introduction of foods filled with GMOs into our supermarkets. He continues to further the public’s knowledge of the field of alternative health. I share with him the desire to constantly expand one’s knowledge of alternative health with ongoing research and further research into this growing field.
Gary Null is an advocate for hypnosis and hypnotherapy and covers these modalities in his book “Encyclopedia of Natural Healing.”

NY Hypnotist Jeffrey Rose With Dean Ornish
At The New York Times: FOOD FOR TOMORROW conference at Stone Barns in Pocantico Hills, NY in 2015, I had the opportunity of talking with nutritionist, Dean Ornish. His work has been instrumental in bringing to the forefront the concept that diet and nutritional choices are the key to leading a healthy life. Dr. Ornish has empowered the individual to educate themselves to make more informed choices that can have a strong effect on their personal health. He is the author of the best-selling book, Eat More, Weigh Less.
At The New York Times: FOOD FOR TOMORROW conference at Stone Barns in Pocantico Hills, NY in 2015, I had the opportunity of talking with nutritionist, Dean Ornish. His work has been instrumental in bringing to the forefront the concept that diet and nutritional choices are the key to leading a healthy life.
Dr. Ornish has empowered the individual to educate themselves to make more informed choices that can have a strong effect on their personal health. He is the author of numerous best-selling books, including Eat More, Weigh Less and Dr. Dean Ornish’s Program for Reversing Heart Disease, and his most recent book The Spectrum.

NY Hypnotist Jeffrey Rose With Dr. Mehmet Oz
I meet and talk with Dr. Mehmet Oz at the 2014 Integrative Healthcare Symposium. Dr. Oz’s TV show reaches millions everyday with the very latest information on creating a healthy lifestyle. Dr. Mehmet Oz and I share a comprehensive approach to helping people to lead a happier and healthier life. We take a holistic approach by realizing that resolving one challenge in a person’s life is not enough. In order for a person to live a full, healthier life all many aspects of a person’s life must be improved. Dr. Oz recognizes the power of hypnosis and hypnotherapy as he has several shows featuring the use of hypnosis.
I meet and talk with Dr. Mehmet Oz at the 2014 Integrative Healthcare Symposium. Dr. Oz’s TV show reaches millions everyday with the very latest information on creating a healthy lifestyle. Dr. Mehmet Oz and I share a comprehensive approach to helping people to lead a happier and healthier life.
We take a holistic approach by realizing that resolving one challenge in a person’s life is not enough. In order for a person to live a full, healthier life all important aspects of a person’s life must be improved. Within my practice, not only are my client’s presenting challenges resolved, but they find themselves eating healthier, exercising more and getting the sleep they need to be both fully rested and to lead a more resourceful life.
Dr. Mehmet Oz and his wife have founded Health Corps to combat childhood obesity. It includes in-school counseling about nutrition, fitness and mental resilience. I support Health Corps’ mission to implement an innovative in-school model that inspires teens to make healthier choices in life. Dr. Oz recognizes the power of hypnosis and hypnotherapy as he has several shows featuring the use of hypnosis.

NY Hypnotist Jeffrey Rose With Dr. David Perlmutter
Dr. David Perlmutter is the author of the #1 New York Times bestseller Grain Brain. Like myself, his goal is to educate people to make better nutritional choices that will lead to a healthier life.He is the author of numerous other books, including: The Better Brain Book, Raise a Smarter Child By Kindergarten, Power Up Your Brain: The Neuroscience of Enlightenment, and New York Times Bestseller Brain Maker: The Power of Gut Microbes to Heal and Protect Your Brain – For Life, and is uniquely recognized internationally as a leader in nutritional influences on neurological health. Dr. Perlmutter is an important resource for me in understanding the relationship between proper nutrition and health.
Dr. David Perlmutter is the author of the #1 New York Times bestseller Grain Brain. Like myself, his goal is to educate people to make better nutritional choices that will lead to a healthier life.
Dr-bruce-perlmutter-ny-hypnotist-jeffrey-roseHe is the author of numerous other books, including: The Better Brain Book, Raise a Smarter Child By Kindergarten, Power Up Your Brain: The Neuroscience of Enlightenment, and New York Times Bestseller Brain Maker: The Power of Gut Microbes to Heal and Protect Your Brain – For Life, and is uniquely recognized internationally as a leader in nutritional influences on neurological health.
Dr. Perlmutter is an important resource for me in understanding the relationship between proper nutrition and health. Dr. was awarded the Humanitarian of the Year award from the American College of Nutrition in 2010.

NY Hypnotist Jeffrey Rose With Tony Robbins
Here I meet with and talk to Tony Robbins, with whom I share the goal to use my skills and knowledge to help as many people as I can during the course of my life. Tony Robbins is famous for his best selling self-improvement books Unlimited Power, Awaken the Giant Within, and his empowering seminars. As with Tony Robbins, I am extremely knowledgeable in the field of NLP, hypnosis and hypnotherapy, which enables me to create positive changes in people, quickly and easily.
Here I meet with and talk to Tony Robbins, with whom I share the goal to use my skills and knowledge to help as many people as I can during the course of my life. Tony Robbins is famous for his best selling self-improvement books Unlimited Power, Awaken the Giant Within, and his empowering seminars.
With my corporate wellness and sleep seminars I am able to emulate the excellent work of Tony Robbins to educate and inspire large groups of people, not only to learn to lead healthier and more fulfilling lives, but to powerfully inspire them to take the necessary steps, and implement their new knowledge into their lives, so that they find themselves on a new, healthier, more fulfilling path in life.
As with Tony Robbins, I am extremely knowledgeable in the field of NLP, hypnosis and hypnotherapy, which enables me to create positive changes in people, more quickly and easily than those I am helping may have thought possible.
Through years of seminars and personal sessions, Tony Robbins has successfully guided large numbers of individuals to make important changes in their lives. I believe like Tony that beliefs held within the subconscious play a key role in determining the life you will find yourself leading, and that hypnosis is one of the most powerful modes for easily and quickly changing your beliefs to more useful and positive ones, that will generate the life you always wanted for yourself.

NY Hypnotist Jeffrey Rose With Dr. Andrew Weil
Here I meet with Dr. Andrew Weil, who I greatly admire for helping create the field of integrative medicine which combines alternative medicine with conventional medicine. He emphasizes achieving wellness through natural means and educates the public on alternative therapies. Dr. Weil believes in the power and efficacy of hypnosis for making positive changes in one’s life.
Here I meet with Dr. Andrew Weil, who I greatly admire for helping create the field of integrative medicine which combines alternative medicine with conventional medicine. He emphasizes achieving wellness through natural means and educates the public on alternative therapies.
Dr. Weil believes in the power and efficacy of hypnosis for making positive changes in one’s life, and has a prominent clinical hypnotist on his staff at the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine, which he founded and directs.
He has done a tremendous amount to bring this new orientation to the attention of the general public with his books, including Spontaneous Healing, 8 Weeks to Optimum Health, and Healthy Aging. Like myself, he believes proper nutrition, exercise and stress reduction are essential to lead a healthy and fulfilling life.

NY Hypnotist Jeffrey Rose With Deepak Chopra
Here I meet Deepak Chopra at the Natural Products Expo. Deepak Chopra is the author of Ageless Body Timeless Mind, Perfect Health, and Quantum Healing, and was a founder of the Chopra Center for Wellbeing, where alternative health methodologies, often based on Ayurvedic principles, are used. I share his desire to disseminate information on more health-promoting approaches to life. Deepak recognizes the value of hypnosis for making lifestyle changes. His Chopra Center for Wellbeing, offers a guided hypnotherapy session to enhance mind-body integration.
Here I meet Deepak Chopra at the Natural Products Expo. Deepak Chopra is the author of Ageless Body Timeless Mind, Perfect Health, and Quantum Healing, and was a founder of the Chopra Center for Wellbeing, where alternative health methodologies, often based on Ayurvedic principles, are promoted.
I share his desire to disseminate information on more health-promoting approaches to life. Deepak Chopra recognizes the value of hypnosis for making important changes in one’s’ life. His Chopra Center for Wellbeing, for example, offers a guided hypnotherapy session to enhance mind-body integration. I especially agree with the idea that many psychological problems may be seriously exacerbated by poor health habits. Getting proper nutrition and regular exercise to create and maintain a healthy body, and getting proper sleep to remain psychologically resourceful are all integral to leading a healthy psychological life. Adopting healthy habits, I believe, is essential to leading a rich, rewarding, fulfilling life.