Hypnosis for Weight Loss in Sunnyside, Queens, NY | Advanced Hypnosis NYC

NYC Hypnosis Sessions

Located on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, serving New York City for 20+ years

Hypnosis for Weight Loss in Sunnyside, Queens, NY | Advanced Hypnosis NYC

NYC Hypnotherapy – In Person or Remote Sessions Available.

Hypnosis is a powerful tool that can help you reprogram your brain so you can let go of negative behavior that has been holding you back. Contact us today to find out how Hypnotherapy can help you achieve your goals and in-turn raise your quality of life in many positive ways.

Hypnosis for Weight Loss in Sunnyside, Queens, NY | Advanced Hypnosis NYC

Hypnosis for weight loss in NYC in Sunnyside, Queens, NY

Welcome to the transformative world of weight loss solutions with Jeffrey Rose, the renowned NY Hypnotist with over 20 years of experience. Based near Sunnyside, Queens, NY, Jeffrey offers a personalized journey towards achieving your weight loss goals. Our process begins with an initial consultation, where Jeffrey uses his extensive qualifications in hypnosis to understand your unique needs. From there, he crafts a tailored approach that combines hypnosis, nutritional guidance, and lifestyle changes for a comprehensive weight management plan. Beyond the sessions, his supportive aftercare ensures your progress continues long after leaving the office. Don’t just settle for generic weight loss solutions – experience the holistic strategy of Jeffrey Rose and finally achieve the results you’ve always desired. Contact us today to start your transformative journey with hypnosis for weight loss in NYC, serving Sunnyside, Queens, NY.

Jeffrey Rose’s holistic approach to weight loss sets him apart from other practitioners in the field. With his extensive experience and qualifications, he understands that weight loss is not just about shedding pounds but about transforming one’s relationship with food and making sustainable lifestyle changes. Through the power of hypnosis, Jeffrey helps individuals tap into their subconscious mind, addressing the underlying emotional and psychological factors that contribute to weight gain. His nutritional guidance ensures that clients have the knowledge and support to make healthier food choices, while his focus on lifestyle changes encourages long-term success. With Jeffrey’s personalized approach and ongoing aftercare, clients can experience a true transformation, not just in their physical appearance but in their overall well-being. Take the first step towards a healthier, happier you and contact Jeffrey Rose today to embark on your transformative journey.

Are you struggling to achieve your weight loss goals? Hypnosis may be the missing piece of the puzzle. In Sunnyside, Queens, NY, Jeffrey Rose offers hypnotherapy sessions that tap into the psychological and behavioral aspects of weight loss, providing clients with a powerful tool to achieve lasting results.

Hypnosis can help alter unhealthy eating habits by targeting the underlying emotions and triggers that drive overeating. Through hypnotic suggestions, Jeffrey Rose can rewire your subconscious mind, creating a healthier relationship with food. By addressing the root causes of emotional eating or cravings, you can regain control over your eating habits and make more conscious and mindful choices.

Motivation for physical activity plays a vital role in any weight loss journey, and hypnosis can enhance it. By harnessing the power of the mind, Jeffrey Rose can help instill a deep sense of motivation and enjoyment for exercise, making it easier to incorporate regular physical activity into your routine. With newfound enthusiasm, you can embrace movement as an integral part of your lifestyle, supporting your efforts to shed those extra pounds.

But hypnosis doesn’t stop at eating habits and physical activity. It also helps instill positive lifestyle changes. By working with Jeffrey Rose in Sunnyside, Queens, NY, you can tap into the science of hypnotherapy to reduce stress, control appetite, and improve self-regulatory capacities. Studies have shown that hypnosis can reduce stress hormones, leading to better weight management outcomes. It also enhances appetite control by reprogramming your mind to respond to genuine hunger signals, curbing mindless snacking and emotional eating. Additionally, hypnosis empowers you to strengthen your self-discipline and resist temptations, ultimately leading to sustainable weight loss results.

Numerous studies have demonstrated the efficacy of hypnosis in achieving and maintaining a healthy weight. Research findings indicate that hypnotherapy can yield greater weight loss compared to non-hypnotic interventions. According to a study published in the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, individuals who underwent hypnosis as part of their weight loss program lost more weight and maintained their weight loss even after two years. These evidence-based benefits make hypnosis a valuable and complementary method for achieving your weight loss goals.

If you’re ready to take control of your weight and transform your life, schedule a hypnotherapy session with Jeffrey Rose in Sunnyside, Queens, NY. Experience the power of hypnosis and unlock your full potential for a healthier, happier you. Take the first step towards achieving your weight loss goals today.

Hypnosis for Weight Loss in Sunnyside, Queens, NY | Advanced Hypnosis NYC

During your hypnotherapy session with Jeffrey Rose, you can expect a safe and supportive environment where your specific weight loss goals and challenges are addressed. Jeffrey Rose will guide you into a deep state of relaxation, where your subconscious mind becomes more receptive to positive suggestions and empowering belief systems. Through visualization techniques and customized hypnosis scripts, he will help you create a mental image of yourself as a fit and healthy individual, reinforcing your motivation and commitment to achieving your weight loss goals. By reprogramming your thought patterns and mindset, you can break free from limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging behaviors that have hindered your progress in the past. With each session, you will gain greater confidence and a renewed sense of determination, allowing you to overcome any obstacles that may arise on your weight loss journey. Start your transformative experience with hypnotherapy today and discover the incredible potential within you to achieve lasting weight loss success.

 NYC Hypnosis Programs

At Advanced Hypnosis Center of NYC we take a holistic approach, because we believe that body and mind is a unity that cannot be broken up into parts. With the expert advice of our NYC hypnotherapist, nutritionist, addiction recovery coach and sleep specialist, we are able to help you create the permanent positive changes you desire on all levels and in all areas of your life very effectively and naturally.


Book your nyc hypnosis session
Monday – Friday 8:00 – 17:00
Saturday 9:30 – 17:00
Sunday 9:30 – 15:00


110 W 96th St #2b, New York, NY 10025

Most Popular Advanced Hypnosis NYC Programs

Listed below are only the most common challenges the staff at the Advanced Hypnosis Center are called on to resolve for our clients. You should know that these only represent a small number of all the programs we have available in order to deal with the many challenges we have seen in our practice.

Book your nyc hypnosis session

Advanced Hypnosis NYC’s Comforting Staff

When you come to your hypnotherapy session, your visit will be relaxing and professional from the first moment you step into our Manhattan hypnosis center on the Upper East Side or our Rockland County, NY hypnosis center in New City, NY. In addition, you will have the opportunity to choose whether you are more comfortable seeing a male or female hypnotherapist.

Jeffrey Rose, CMH, Nutritionist
Dr. Ricartty Trinidad, MD, CHT
Elena Mosaner, CHT


Jeffrey Rose has been featured in many New York and national news segments on health and the benefits of hypnosis, here are just a few. visit our media page to see all our videos.

Hypnosis Sessions

Advanced Hypnosis Center of NYC can help you make positive changes in your life as in as few as just 2 or 3 sessions.


Nutrition Counseling

Nutrition is a key part to living a healthy and long life. Learn how to enjoy eating healthy and living healthy with our Nutritional Counselor.


Life Coaching

If you are looking to make long term changes then a Life Coach can work with you on a continual basis to reach your goals and improve your life.


Hypnosis for Weight Loss in Sunnyside, Queens, NY | Advanced Hypnosis NYC

Book Your Hypnotherapy Session

Contact the Advanced Hypnosis Center of NYC today to schedule your hypnosis or counseling session. Once we receive your email we will send to you our confidential questionnaires for you to get started.