About Advanced  Hypnosis Center

Our outstanding New York hypnotists are here to help you reach your goals through hypnosis and hypnotherapy. The clinical hypnotists at New York’s Advanced Hypnosis Center have over 50 years of combined experience in hypnotherapy, helping people improve their lives. Providing hypnotherapy on the Upper West Side of Manhattan for over 20 years, our center thrives thanks to the many referrals from those who have quickly and easily resolved their challenges and embarked on a more satisfying and fulfilling path. We have helped thousands over the past two decades make positive changes through our personalized hypnosis programs.

When you come to your hypnotherapy session, your visit will be relaxing and professional from the first moment you step into our Manhattan hypnosis center on the Upper West Side. Additionally, Mr. Rose can do house calls outside of Manhattan in surrounding counties including Rockland, Bergen County, NJ, Westchester, and Long Island.

You will have the opportunity to choose whether you are more comfortable seeing a male or female hypnotherapist. Regardless of how busy your personal schedule may be, we are able to work around client schedules, offering a variety of opportunities for hypnotherapy in NY at both our New York hypnosis centers, including evenings and weekends. You should know we are happy to make a House Call hypnosis session should you prefer.

Our Staff

All of our New York hypnotists are certified and trained by the International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association, the International Association of Counselors and Therapists and or the National Guild of Hypnotists, because we believe you deserve the most qualified and trained hypnotists available.

As a nationally-renowned clinic working with clients from all over the country, the experience of our hypnotherapists in helping people from a diverse range of backgrounds means they will understand that your experiences and understanding of the world are completely unique to you, and will create a personalized approach to quickly and easily get you the results you desire.

Booking a session with one of our New York hypnotists on the Upper East Side in Manhattan or our hypnotist in New City, Rockland County, NY ensures your treatment is tailored to your needs, utilizing the latest techniques and innovative technology. You should know that as well as our pioneering Advanced Hypnosis approach, the clinical hypnotists at our clinic have experience and expertise in a wide range of additional techniques and therapies that support their work.

Jeffrey Rose, Certified Master Hypnotist

Jeffrey Rose is a highly sought out practitioner that has helped thousands reach their goals using hypnosis and an all around holistic approach to today’s challenges.

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Dr. Ricartty Trinidad, MD, CHT

Dr. Ricartty Trinidad is a certified hypnotherapist with IACT (International Association of Counselors and Therapists).

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Our Staff

All of our New York hypnotists are certified and trained by the International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association, the International Association of Counselors and Therapists and or the National Guild of Hypnotists, because we believe you deserve the most qualified and trained hypnotists available.

As a nationally-renowned clinic working with clients from all over the country, the experience of our hypnotherapists in helping people from a diverse range of backgrounds means they will understand that your experiences and understanding of the world are completely unique to you, and will create a personalized approach to quickly and easily get you the results you desire.

Booking a session with one of our New York hypnotists on the Upper East Side in Manhattan or our hypnotist in New City, Rockland County, NY ensures your treatment is tailored to your needs, utilizing the latest techniques and innovative technology. You should know that as well as our pioneering Advanced Hypnosis approach, the clinical hypnotists at our clinic have experience and expertise in a wide range of additional techniques and therapies that support their work.

Jeffrey Rose, Certified Master Hypnotist

Jeffrey Rose is a highly sought out practitioner that has helped thousands reach their goals using hypnosis and an all around holistic approach to today’s challenges.

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Dr. Ricartty Trinidad, MD, CHT

Dr. Ricartty Trinidad is a certified hypnotherapist with IACT (International Association of Counselors and Therapists).

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Frequently Asked Questions About Hypnosis

1. What is hypnosisHypnosis is a heightened state of awareness where amazing changes can be made in the way a person thinks. Hypnosis is a completely natural path from conscious mind to subconscious mind. It can be defined as the bypass of the critical factor of the conscious mind and the establishment of acceptable selective thinking. Hypnosis is the process of going into the state of mind called a trance. Being in a trance is a very natural state of the mind which people experience regularly during their day to day life. When you are engrossed in reading a book and forget about everything else around you and any things that are presently going on in your life, you are in a trance. This can also happen at a live performance or at a movie. Even at work when you find yourself losing track of all that is going on around you and begin daydreaming, you are in a trance.

2. How does it work? Hypnosis relaxes the conscious mind and opens the subconscious mind to the point that suggestions can be accepted. Once the suggestion is accepted and agreed on by the client hypnotized, the suggestion then becomes rock solid, in that client’s belief system. Your New York City hypnotherapist has the skill to guide you into this state of mind and once you are in this state of mind your subconscious has the ability to incorporate new beliefs and ways to look at things. Then your conscious mind will be influenced to act upon these new thoughts within your subconscious mind.

3. Who can be hypnotized? Everyone can be hypnotized.

4. Can a person in hypnosis be controlled? No, a hypnotherapist is here to help you with your issues and needs your cooperation with the process. If your hypnotherapist were to give you suggestions that you didn’t agree with or were morally against your beliefs, you would either refuse them or you would stand right up and walk out of that session. When you are hypnotized you will actually hear and see everything very clearly.

5. Can a person be stuck in hypnosis? It’s impossible to be stuck in hypnosis. When you are in a state of hypnosis, anything alarming or of importance would pop you right out of this state.

4. How do long do the results of a session last? When you go into a hypnotherapy session and get the results you want, those results you want, those results are with you for life.

5. What is holistic hypnosisSome hypnotists will guide you to resolve the particular issue you have come for help for. But a holistic hypnotist will guide you to make important and healthy synergistic changes. A good example is our smoking cessation program, where besides quitting smoking cigarettes you will be educated and inspired to get sufficient exercise, proper sleep and eat healthier as well, so that you can live a healthy.

6. What will my first session of hypnotherapy entail? Your first hypnosis session will involve going over your intake form and discussing the exact nature of your challenge and what you hope to accomplish from your hypnotherapy. Then, using hypnosis, you will be guided into a relaxing trance during which new beliefs and ideas will be offered to your subconscious mind to absorb and utilize the ones it chooses to lead you to the life you want.

7. How many sessions will I need? It depends on the challenge you are seeking help for. Although our Smoking Cessation Program encompasses only one session. Our other programs typically include a first session that typically lasts 1 hour and 45 minutes. We recommend having a 1 hour reinforcement session about 10 days later. Any future desired sessions are 45 minutes long.

8. What forms of payment are accepted?  We accept checks, cash and all major credit cards

9. What should I know about Skype sessions? Skype hypnosis sessions function in the same way as office visits, except for that they can be done remotely.

8. How do I schedule a hypnotherapy session? The fastest and easiest way to make appointments is simply to visit our Contact Us page and fill out the form or call our NYC hypnotherapy office at  212.585.4430. You will then be emailed our confidential questionnaires to answer.